JavaScript Contexts in NW.js {: .doctitle}

Concept of JavaScript Context

Scripts running in different windows live in different JavaScript contexts, i.e. each window has its own global object and its own set of global constructors (such as Array or Object).

That’s common practice among web browsers and it’s a good thing because, for example:

  • when an object’s prototype is replaced or augmented by some library (such as Prototype) or a simpler script, the analogous objects in other windows are unaffected nevertheless;
  • when a programmer makes a mistake (such as missing new before a poorly written constructor) and the bug affects (pollutes) the global scope, it still cannot affect larger areas (several windows);
  • malicious applications cannot access confidential data structures in other windows.

When a script accessing to an object / function defined in another context, JS engine will temporarily enter the target context and leave it once finished.

Contexts in NW.js

NW.js is based on the architecture of Chrome Apps. Thus an invisible background page is loaded automatically at start. And when a new window is created, a JavaScript context is created as well.

In NW.js, Node.js modules can be loaded in the context running in background page, which is the default behavior. Also they can be loaded within the context of each window or frame when running as Mixed Context Mode. Continue to read following sections to see the differences between Separate Context Mode and Mixed Context Mode.

Separate Context Mode

Besides the contexts created by browsers, NW.js introduced additional Node context for running Node modules in the background page by default. So NW.js has two types of JavaScript contexts: Browser Context and Node Context.

Web Worker

Actually Web Workers are running in a separate JavaScript context which is neither browser context nor node context. But you can’t access Web or Node.js or NW.js APIs in Web Worker’s context.

Browser Context

Load Script in Browser Context

Scripts loaded or embedded by traditional web ways, such as using <script> element or jQuery’s $.getScript() or RequireJS, are running in browser context.

Global Objects in Browser Context

In browser context, there are some global objects including JS builtin objects (such as Date or Error or TypedArray) and Web API (such as DOM API).

Create New Browser Context

Different windows and frames have different contexts. So when you create a new frame or window, you will get a new browser context.

Access Node.js and NW.js API in Browser Context

Some objects of Node context are copied to Browser context so that scripts running in Browser context can access Node.js objects:

  • nw – the object of all NW.js APIs in References section
  • global – the global object of Node Context; same as
  • require – the require() function for loading Node.js modules; similar to nw.require(), but it also supports require('nw.gui') to load NW.js API module.
  • process – the process module of Node.js; same as nw.process
  • Buffer – the Buffer class of Node.js

Relative Path Resolving of require() in Browser Context

Relative paths in Browser context are resolved according to path of main HTML file (like all browsers do).

Node Context

Load Script in Node Context

Scripts loaded with following ways are running in Node context:

Global Objects in Node Context

Scripts running in the Node context can use JS builtin objects like browser context. In addition, you can also use global objects defined by Node.js, such as __dirname, process, Buffer etc.


Web APIs are not available in Node context. See Access Browser and NW.js API in Node Context below to find out how to use them.

Create New Node Context

All node modules shares a same Node context in separate context mode. But you have several ways to create new Node contexts:

  • Set new_instance option to true when creating window with
  • Start NW.js with --mixed-context CLI option to turn NW.js into Mixed Context mode

Access Browser and NW.js API in Node Context

In Node context, there are no browser side or NW.js APIs, such as alert() or document.* or nw.Clipboard etc. To access browser APIs, you have to pass the corresponding objects, such as window object, to functions in Node context.

See following example for how to achieve this.

Following script are running in Node context (myscript.js):

// `el` should be passed from browser context
exports.setText = function(el) {
    el.innerHTML = 'hello';

In the browser side (index.html):

<div id="el"></div>
var myscript = require('./myscript');
// pass the `el` element to the Node function
// you will see "hello" in the element

window in Node Context

There is a window object in Node context pointing to the DOM window object of the background page.

Relative Paths Resolving of require() in Node Context

Relative paths in node modules are resolved according to path of that module (like Node.js always do).

Mixed Context Mode

Mixed context is introduced in NW.js 0.13. When running NW.js with --mixed-context CLI option, a new Node context is created at the time of each browser context creation and running in a same context as browser context, a.k.a. the Mixed context.

Load Script in Mixed Context Mode

To enable Mixed context, add --mixed-context when starting NW.js or add it to chromium-args in Manifest file.

Any scripts loaded using web ways or require() in Node.js are running in a same context.

Global Objects in Mixed Context

In Mixed context, you can use all browser and NW.js API in Node modules, and vice versa.


    "name": "test-context",
    "main": "index.html",
    "chromium-args": "--mixed-context"


exports.createDate = function() {
    return new Date();

exports.showAlert = function() {
    alert("I'm running in Node module!");

Then following comparison will success in Mixed context:

var myscript = require('./myscript');

console.log(myscript.createDate() instanceof Date); // true
myscript.showAlert(); // I'm running in Node module!

Comparing with Separate Context

The advantage of Separate Context Mode is that you will not encounter many type checking issue as below.

The cons is that in Mixed Context Mode, you can’t share variable easily as before. To share variables among contexts, you should put variables in a common context that can be accessed from the contexts you want to share with. Or you can use window.postMessage() API to send and receive messages between contexts.

Working with Multiple Contexts

While differences of contexts are generally benefitial, sometimes they may constitute a problem in your (or some other person’s) code, and a need for a workaround arises.

For example, in different browser contexts, the global objects are not identical and some type checking tricks will fail with multiple contexts.

<iframe id="myframe" src="myframe.html"></iframe>
// `window` is the global object of current browser context
// `myframe.contentWindow` is the global object of the `<iframe>`'s browser context
var currentContext = window;
var iframeContext = document.getElementById('myframe').contentWindow;

// `myfunc` is defined in current context
function myfunc() {


console.log(currentContext.Date === iframeContext.Date); // false
console.log(currentContext.Function === iframeContext.Function); // false
console.log(myfunc instanceof currentContext.Function); // true
console.log(myfunc instanceof iframeContext.Function); // false
console.log(myfunc.constructor === currentContext.Function); // true
console.log(myfunc.constructor === iframeContext.Function); // false

Problem with instanceOf

The most common cause for such problems is the behaviour of the instanceof operator in JavaScript. As you may see in MDN, the operation someValue instanceof someConstructor tests whether an object has in its prototype chain the prototype property of the given constructor. However, if someValue is passed from a different JavaScript context, then it has its own line of ancestor objects, and the someValue instanceof someConstructor check fails inevitably.

For example, a simple check someValue instanceof Array cannot determine if a variable’s value is an array’s if it’s passed from another context (see Determining with absolute accuracy whether or not a JavaScript object is an array for details).

Problem with obj.constructor

The same problem arises when the obj.constructor property is checked directly (for example, when someValue.constructor === Array is used instead of someValue instanceof Array).

Problem of obj.__proto__

The legacy obj.__proto__ gives you access to the prototype of that object directly. Comparing it’s constructor with global object or use instanceof as above will still lead to the wrong result.

Problems in 3rd-Party Library

3rd-party libraries may use problematic ways of type checking listed above. That will cause misterious errors. Once it happens, it should be a bug of 3rd-party library. You are recommended to report a bug for the library or fix it your own.

Reliable Way of Type Checking Across Contexts

A way to prevent context-related problems is to avoid using instanceof when a value may come from another JavaScript context.

You may use Array.isArray method to check whether a value is an array, and that method works reliably across contexts.

For testing if someValue is an object of other context dependent globals, like Function or Date etc., you may use following tricks to test the actual types:

// test a function
Object.prototype.toString.apply(someValue) === "[object Function]"
// test a Date
Object.prototype.toString.apply(someValue) === "[object Date]"

However, if such a convenient alternate method is not readily available, or when you face a problem in someone other’s (not your own) code and patching that would need a hassle, then another workaround is necessary.

Also you can use nwglobal, which returns the global objects in Node context, to workaround the type checking in some cases.