Clipboard {: .doctitle}

Clipboard is an abstraction of clipboard for Windows, Linux and Mac.


// get the system clipboard
var clipboard = nw.Clipboard.get();

// Read from clipboard
var text = clipboard.get('text');

// Or write something
clipboard.set('I love NW.js :)', 'text');

// And clear it!


  • Returns {Clipboard} the clipboard object


The Selection Clipboard in X11 is not supported.

clip.set(data, [type, [raw]])

  • data {String} the data to write to the clipboard
  • type {String} Optional the type of the data. Support text, png, jpeg, html and rtf. By default, type is set to "text".
  • raw {Boolean} Optional requiring raw image data. This option is only valid if type is png or jpeg. By default, raw is set to false.

Write data of type to the clipboard. This method will clear the clipboard and replace with the given data. Hence another call to this method will overwrite with the new one. To write multiple types of data to clipboard simultaneously, you will need to use clip.set(clipboardDataList) below.

Format of Image

Images read or written from clipboard can be either JPEG or PNG. When raw is not set or set to false, the data is expected to be a valid data URI encoded with Base64. When raw is set to true, the data is only the Base64 encoded image data not including the data:<mime-type>;base64, part.


  • clipboardData {Object} JSON object containing data, type and raw to be written to clipboard. See clip.set(data, [type, [raw]]) for detailed arguments specification.


Multiple types of data can be written to clipboard simultaneously with this method.

Example: write an image and a <img> pointing to the image to the clipboard

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

// resolve path as absolute path in order to be used by other applications
var pngPath = path.resolve('nw.png');
// read the image from file system as base64 encoded string
var data = fs.readFileSync(pngPath).toString('base64');
// transform file path to URL
var html = '<img src="file:///' + encodeURI(data.replace(/^\//, '')) + '">';

var clip = nw.Clipboard.get();
// write both PNG and HTML to clipboard
  {type: 'png', data: data, raw: true},
  {type: 'html', data: html}

clip.get([type, [raw]])

  • type {String} Optional the type of the data. Support text, png, jpeg, html and rtf. By default, type is set to "text".
  • raw {Boolean} Optional requiring raw image data. This option is only valid if type is png or jpeg.
  • Returns {String} the data retrieved from the clipboard

Get the data of type from clipboard.


  • clipboardData {Object} JSON object containing type and raw argument for reading data from clipboard. See clip.get([type, [raw]]) for detailed arguments specification.
  • Returns {String} the data retrieved from the clipboard


  • clipboardDataList {Array} Array of clipboardData for reading data from clipboard. Multiple types of data can be read from clipboard simultaneously with this method. See clip.get(clipboardData) and clip.get([type, [raw]]) for detailed arguments specification.
  • Returns {Array} array of clipboardData retrieved from the clipboard. Each item contains type, data and raw (optional) attributes.


  • Returns {Array} list of available types of data in clipboard currently. Each item is one of following types:
    • text: plain text. Can be read by clip.get('text').
    • html: HTML text. Can be read by clip.get('html').
    • rtf: RTF (Rich Text Format). Can be read by clip.get('rtf').
    • png: PNG image. Can be read by clip.get('png').
    • jpeg: JPEG image. Can be read by clip.get('jpeg').

You can use the returned list as a suggestion to get the right data from clipboard.


Clear the clipboard.